Sunday, May 30, 2010


SO! i completed my first week of work and it was pretty good. i only went to the office 3 times this week since it was victoria day and i worked at home on friday. AAHH, so on tuesday, i brought donuts to my department and when my employer introduced me, he basically READ MY RESUME to the whole company.. i was quite embarrassed!!

and then, its pretty uneventful ever since. hopefully the summer will not be like this...i need change, challenges and adventures! O, and i have decided NOT to do my actsci exam, i just want to go through stat 231 first to make sure i know my sh*t haha.

next course of action (literally): CSC >=D

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Day at Work! was my first day at World Vision

8 am: woke up and got dressed
9am: arrived and met with my boss
9:30 am: got computer, had meeting with toastmasters representative
10:30 am: started reading organizational information
12:00 pm: finished reading, got lunch, computer dies - available 2:30 pm
2:30 pm: continues reading and re-reading and calls for computer, not gonna arrive until another hour..starts reading again
3:30 pm: computer arrives
4:00 pm: meeting with separate department rep.
5:30 pm: goes home.

that was my day - the last meeting at 4 was quite interesting - not a bad start to a job. lets see what happens tomorrow!

O and i have an SOS meeting tomorrow at waterloo.. i really still don't know if i want my mom to drive me all the way over there...seems like a waste of her so indecisive.

ps: i realize the picture is the google offices...i can dream can't i?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

its finale over (typo intended)

OMG LOST is over and the finale was really good imo.

its way to long to type or even paraphrase because i think the only way to experience that again is to watch the whole thing. this episode reflected what the show was about all along - the people, their experiences and their camaraderie on the island.."we either live together or die alone".

even though tons of questions still have not been answered, i feel that the questions and mystery that surround the mythology is what made the show so great in the first place. i was really satisfied and really emotional about the so glad i participated in something so great that can potentially last for many generations to come...(this could be an overestimation)

o update of job: i'm in charge of pr for high school sos - need to talk to newspapers, radio stations and tv stations to promote our high school sos sessions. and my job at world vision starts tomorrow!!

The Final Journey...

So tonight is the end of the Lost TV series...however its my first day as Marketing Director/Area Coordinator for High School Students offering support..kinda poetic isn't it? no not really ._.

so today after worship im going to have a conference call with the different directors at SOS, and I'm quite excited to meet everyone. hopefully it will be fun.

well, to be honest, I thought the first couple blog posts were written quite well. they were thought provoking and i tried to expressed my emotions and experiences for the i felt obligated to write something on par with those posts. but sometimes, my brain is on lazy mode and theres writers block when expressing what i think and feel throughout the day.

however, i'll try to at least write one post a know to do what i said - keep that artistic side of me alive. Also, on Tuesday, it will be my first day at World Vision as Market Research assistant - hope it'll be fun!

countdown till lost ends: 3 hours

Friday, May 21, 2010

im lost without LOST T.T

So the TV show LOST is about to end in 3 days. its basic premise is of a group of people who magically survives (for some not long) on an island after a plane crash. We learn of all the characters personal lives and we see that each of them have their own little life stories...o and theres a deadly/mysterious/evil smoke monster on the island too

so as the shows coming to an end, we see the whole mythological backdrop of the series, a game between two brothers jacob and man in black (spoilers- the monster), where mib believes that all humans are evil and jacob trusts in their goodness.

anyways, the show in my opinion is AMAZING, definitely the best show on television (after pokemon, digimon, dragon ball z, beyblade, yugioh...etc.). and my friends and i are starting to wonder what we're gonna watch after LOST ends??

It's because some of us more hardcore fans have invested so much of our time, emotion and imagination into this series that it feels really surreal for all of this to end. this show is not just some reoccurring sitcom where you can just miss a couple episodes or two - its a legitimate experience that requires you to watch it again and again to fully understand the mythological aspect and the themes of each episode. it really is that great..sigh.. i really don't know..I'm lost..

countdown till lost ends: 2.5 days


Hey, blogosphere world, i just woke up and i read an email from a certain employer telling me that i am free to work at both world vision and another organization...High School SOS!!

so high school sos is an organization which aims to raise marks to raise money to raise roofs..pretty cool right? we offer exam review sessions for a small donation to raise money for sustainable projects throughout the world.

i'm so glad that they were fine with me working there and i just wanted to document my emotion on this day...note to self - i was really really excited.

so today, i need to go to a police station to do a police check..hopefully i'm not some criminal who only subconsciously does crimes whenever daytime me "sleeps".

worst case scenario: police shut me down down po po shut me down =P

list of things to do this summer:
  • get a job - DOUBLE KILL
  • get ripped (still in the planning stages)
  • get actuarial science exam over with (still in the "im not sure if i should do it" stage)
  • get csc designation (still in the "its f-ing $1000!" stage)
  • get a life - tbd

Thursday, May 20, 2010


THREE..yes three posts in one day, well its technically friday, but wow that was fast!

wow..i just epic failed. so remember that post like 1 hour ago where i said i didn't want to sell out..well, i almost sold out. i was playing around the site and i saw the "adsense" thing. i clicked it RIGHT AWAY..big mistake. a few seconds after, i realized i just contradicted my whole notion of blogging "for myself". this will eventually lead me to blog for a few bucks - which is essentially selling out.

so i decided not to run ads in my blog, keeping it as legit as possible..for now ;)
i dunno, making money seems so important in our society, and its so easy to conform and have that sense of..i guess..greed?..we're all trying to have that certain income, a certain social status, and the ability to purchase more and more stuff..isn't happiness enough?? No - i can truthfully say that im not that way right now..maybe someday i'll see that all this doesn't matter...i'm a sellout

POST #2 this is my second post...20 minutes after my first post YES..I'm that bored..

so this post is about why i decided to do this whole blogging thing in the first place.
i did this for me. to keep the personal, philosophical, artistic side of me that was not brutally murdered by first year math at Waterloo.

haha..even though i enjoy it a lot and I guess I don't miss writing essays, i still miss having that emotional connection with these things i create. french, history, know, i really look up to those who go into the arts, because they (most of them) do what they really LOVE. after first year, im really questioning if this whole hardcore DD thing is something i really LOVE, i don't even know what i love as of right now...i guess thats fair to say right?

so im exploring what i love, i guess thats why i picked the program, since it keeps the doors open. one things for sure, i don't miss bio <3

my biggest fear is that i'll become a sell out in the future selling myself to something that i am not. o well...i guess these are the so called "big questions" in life that we're all trying to figure out. i'm still wondering if someone could love looking at taxes all day..i know i don't.

WOW i totally went off track, i was talking about trying to keep my artistic expression, and it became a hardcore life reflecting moment..pretty cool..i think i like this blogging thing =)

Super Happy Fun Times..i hope =/

Hmm..first blog post, dunno if I'm gonna like it haha

ya, so i got a job..hurray!

its at an organization called the World Vision Organization. its basically a christian/charity organization and I got the job as a "Market Research Assistant". Sounds interesting....

Well anyways, theres this other place/organization/company that I'm really interested in, but i got the job offer A DAY after I accepted the job. I really want to see if I could handle both..

I'll see where this goes and see where God leads me this summer =]

list of things to accomplish this summer:
  • get a job - complete
  • get ripped
  • get first actuarial science exam over with
  • get csc designation
  • get a life =(